摘 要:中学数学的教学目的是使学生牢固地掌握数学基础知识,灵活地运用数学的基本方法,进而培养学生思维能力.为达到此目的,在教学过程中训练学生正确而迅速地解答适当的题目,要求学生在指定时间内完成一定数量习题是完全有必要的.然而,本文就学生在解二次函数题时,常常由于概念不清、推理不当、忽视条件、考虑不周、函数图象理解不深刻五方面原因而把题解错。在此收集典型题目,先给出错解,然后指出错处,分析原因,再做出正确解答。
关键词:二次函数 错解 分析 正确解法
[Abstract]: The didactical purpose for mathematics of high school is to make the students master the basal knowledge of mathematics and use mathematic basal ways,then cultivate studensts' ideation.In order to achieve the goal, in the teaing course,we should train the students to answer some proper exercises correctly and quickly,and ask students to finish some amount of mathematic exercises in appointed time. however, when the students answer secondary function exercises, they always do mistakenly because of the following five reasons: blurry concept、inproper illation、ignoring condition、considering incomprehensive and understanding functional image indeeply. so ,the article collects some typical subjects, giving wrong ways first, then showing wrong places and analyzing reasons, at last, giving correct answers.
[Keywords]: secondary function wrong ways analyzing correct answers