关键词: 家庭作业 作业数量 个体差异
Abstract:In order to understand the number of elementary mathematics homework status quo and individual differences in the amount of causes, caused more reasonable layout to help teachers effective math homework in Suzhou, this study a public school in 70 students has carried on the questionnaire survey to the two teachers lecture and assignments, the observation, visiting decorate. Survey results show that: now we elementary school mathematics homework decorate is increasingly reasonable, but education model test is still not completely dispersed ;in addition, the complete math homework quantity exist on individual differences, investigate its reason in students, teachers and parents three aspects, including students is involved the study result, learning habits, study interest, teachers' teaching ability, teaching concept, parents' cultural level, census register, family economic strength, all is affects students in mathematics homework on the number of important factor. So we in design math homework, should consider to students, teachers, parents and other factors, pays attention to student's individual differences, pay attention to the students in the process of operation, participation and experiential autonomy; improve teachers' literacy; in mathematics homework for parents to cooperate in the design; rich homework form, decorate reasonable effective homework.
Key words: home assignment homework number individual differences