摘 要:当前小学生的厌学现象普遍存在并呈上升趋势,引起了社会、有关部门和教育单位的关注。“厌学”是指学生对学习负面情绪的表现,是由不想学习到不喜欢学习,甚至发展为对学习关系的厌倦、厌恶从而逃避学习的心态。主要表现为对学习感到乏味,提不起兴趣,上课精神涣散,注意力不集中,消沉、不安、逃学、懒学并想辍学等。因此,教育工作者的重要任务就是帮助学生消除厌学心理。本文通过对小学生厌学现象进行分析与研究,了解到小学生厌学的危害,故从学校、家庭、自身、社会四个方面探寻厌学的原因,并结合小学生身心发展的特点针对这四个方面提出矫正的对策,重新点燃他们学习兴趣的火花,帮助这些学生走出困境,树立学习的信心,形成良好的意志品质和自控能力等,使学生走出厌学心理全面健康的发展,同时也全面提高教学质量。
ABSTRACT:The current school weariness universal existence and the upward trend, by the society, the relevant departments and units concerned education. "Boredom" refers to the students to learn the negative emotions, by don't want to learn to don't like learning, even to learning tired, aversion to avoid learning attitude. The main performance of the learning boring, uninteresting, class distraction, attention is not centered, depression, anxiety, truancy, lazy and want to drop out of school. Therefore, an important task for the educators is to help students eliminate school-weary psychology. Through the analysis and Research on pupil phenomenon, understand that harm pupil, so to explore the reasons for weariness from four aspects of school, family, self, society, and combined with the characteristics of pupils' physical and mental development in these four aspects of corrective measures, to rekindle their interest in learning to help these students out of the spark, dilemma, establish confidence of learning, the formation of good will and self-control ability, make the students out of the development of mental weariness overall health, but also improve the quality of teaching.
Key words: pupils ;weariness reasons;countermeasures