摘要:根据调查资料显示, 我国农村寄宿制小学里儿童低龄入学现象日趋严重。造成的原因既有家庭方面的, 也有学校和社会方面的。儿童低龄入学在一定程度上会影响孩子身体发育、心理发展, 甚至会导致一些孩子形成厌学情绪。本研究考察了大理州南涧县五所农村寄宿制小学的四百多名小学生,其中有九十七名为低龄入学儿童。在入学的初期,这些低龄儿童对学校里的教师、作息时间、同伴等都要慢慢适应,家长的文化程度也是影响低龄儿童学校适应性的一个重要因素。
Abstract:According to the survey, in china’s Rural Boarding Primary School , the phenomenon that children enter a school at a too young age is growing more and more serious. There are three main aspects result in this fact, they are family, school and society . Young children entrance to some extent affect both the development of children’s body and psychology, more serious, maybe even lead to children’s weariness. This study investigate four hundred pupils of five rural boarding primary schools in a countryside which is called Nanjian in the State of Dali, among these pupils there are ninety-seven children below the average age in total, that means they are too young to start school. During the early time of the entrance, these young children have to adapt many things gradually, include the school’s teachers, the rest time and the schoolmates. Besides, parents’ education level is a key factor that affect the adaptability of these young children in school. Through this investigation and study, hope the young children entrance phenomenon could draw more attention, which will promotes the development of basic education in rural area in a better way.
Keywords: Young school children;adaptability;boarding