关键词: 偏远地区; 小学阶段; 少数民族学生 ; 学习适应
ABSTRACT:Study adaptation is that The Individual Students adjust initiatively themselves to accord with academic environment. It contains students, academic environment and change. Minority primary school students are special group. Their psychological activities are different from general primary school students. Thier psychological characteristics are not only affected by current economy, politics, culture, society and the special social history in China, but also the different living environment affect the minority primary school students' study adaptation to some extent. The author of this paper analyses the problems of students' study adaptation in Deshang primary school where the author studied in, and put forward some effective strategies. The author of this paper hopes that important practical references are offered in the aspect of the study adaptation of minority primary school students in China by this research.
Key words: Remote areas ; Primary school; Minority students; Learning adaptation