Entering primary school for children is not only the symbol of start to accept school education, but also it is an important turning point in rapid development of physical and mental. From nursery into primary school, children may have trouble adjusting when facing the sudden change in education and living conditions. In terms of individual, the school adaptation which is related to the children’s future sustainable development and lifelong leaning, will affect the school life and have potential significant impact on their interpersonal relationships, mood and emotion, career development in future. Therefore, in order to lay the good foundation for the future better learning and living, the national research has focused on the development of pupils to school adaptation according to the characteristics of physical and mental development of students, such as indepth understanding of children's adaptation theory, adaptability of primary school pupils development, improvement of entrance education, reducing the adaptation phenomenon and so on. For this purpose, based on the survey of enrolled adaptive for primary school in Mengzi City, this article have a careful analysis on five aspects including compliance with conventional, interpersonal, self-care ability, study habits, emotional. Besides, three aspects of school, teachers, and parents can also be analyzed. The ultimate goal is to provide feasible ways and methods for solving the pupils' learning adaptability problems and also to provide empirical basis and constructive suggestions for educational interventions.
Keywords: Children; Entrancing adaptability; Status analysis; Countermeasure