【摘 要】 设计精心的课堂追问既调动了学生的学习热情,又能最大限度的开拓学生的思维。结合笔者的个人因素,在考虑新课程改革的要求以及小学数学课程本身的特点以后,我最终选择以小学数学特级教师课堂中的追问做为论文研究。针对这一问题,本文先整理分析了对话教学、课堂提问等方面相关资料,然后在筛选、归纳、整理和分析影像、文本资料分析后,我得出了相关研究结论,最后提出反思和建议。
【关键词】 小学数学特级教师;课堂追问;追问目的
【Abstract】Not only is carefully designed class questioning can remove the enthusiasm of students, but also develop the students' thinking. Combined with the author's personal factors, I finally choose the class questioning of super-teachers in elementary mathematics as my graduated research after considering the new standard of the course and the characteristics of the elementary mathematics course. In order to research the problem, this study collects the related date firstly, such as dialogue teaching and class questioning. After screening, concluding, sorting and analyzing videos and texts, I got the related research conclusion. Then put forward the relevant reflection and suggestion.
【Key words】super-teachers in elementary mathematics; class questioning; purpose