【摘要】 师生对话是小学数学课堂中师生交流互动的重要方式,教师和学生在平等自由的氛围中相互学习,学生能大胆的说住自己的见解,教师能了解学生的想法,教师和学生都得到了发展。但在实际教学过程中,师生对话仍存在很多问题。研究者通过对某小学二年级班级随堂观察分析,总结了小学数学课堂师生对话存在的问题,并提出了相应的策略,为小学数学教学提供了建议。
【关键词】 小学数学; 师生对话;有效性
【Abstract】 Dialogue between teachers and students is an important way in elementary school mathematics classroom. Teachers and students learn from each other in the atmosphere of equality and freedom. The students can boldly say their views, teachers can understand students, teachers and students are developed. But in the actual teaching process, the dialogue between teachers and students there still have many problems. Researcher summarizes the problems existing in the elementary school mathematics classroom of the Grade Two.,Then researcher puts forward some effective strategies.
【Key words】Primary school mathematics;Dialogue between teachers and students ; The effectiveness