摘 要:课外活动是实施素质教育的一个重要途径,是课堂教学的重要辅助和补充,它对培养学生良好的品德、合作能力以及创新思维等方面有着重要影响。目前来看,在现有的社会大背景之下,大部分人对课外活动没有充分的认识,现在普遍存在对课外活动忽视或不重视的状况。在新的历史条件下,小学生课外活动内容、数量等也发生了比较大的变化,但课外活动所带来的效果却还是不甚理想。从调查结果来看,勐海镇中心小学出现了课外活动数量少,内容贫乏的特点。经费不足、观念陈旧以及安全问题等是主要影响课外活动实施的因素。
ABSTRACT:Extracurricular activities are important to implement quality education, and also is an important complement and supplement of classroom teaching. It has important influence on the cultivation of students good moral character, ability and innovative thinking. At present, the social background of existing, most people don't know what are full of extracurricular activities. Therefore, they generally do not attach importance to extracurricular activities, or ignore their value. Facing the new historical conditions, extracurricular activities have also taken place in contents and scale, but extracurricular activities do not bring the effect ideally. From the survey results, Menghai town center primary school has problems of extracurricular activities, such as lacking content, funds, outdated concepts and security issues which affect the implementation of the extracurricular activities.
Key words: Extracurricular activities;Problem; Reasons; Countermeasures