摘 要:近年来,小学低年级数学游戏在数学课堂教学中的运用越来越广泛,特别是新课程改革推行以来,数学游戏对学生学习兴趣的培养也受到重视,以学生为主体的课程教学理念已深入教师的心。但是随着数学游戏教学实施范围的不断扩大,相应的问题也就随之出现了。因此本文基于对小学低年级数学游戏在教学场中运用存在的问题归纳分析,并总结出数学游戏在小学低年级教学场中的角色扮演。适时捕捉、利用好教学场资源,让游戏真正走进教学场,服务于教学场,提高课堂教学效率。
ABSTRACT:In recent years, the mathematical games in junior grade of primary school are more and more apply in math classroom widely. Especially with the implementation of the new curriculum reform, people more and more pay attention to the mathematical games to students’ learning interest, and the teaching principle that take students as the subject concerned by every teacher. With the expanding of applying the mathematical games and with increasing of applying frequency, the relevant problems are arising at the same time. Therefore, the thesis inducts and analyzes those problems based on applying the mathematical games to junior grade on primary school in teaching field, and sum up the role play to mathematical games on primary math in teaching field. The teachers should make good use of teaching resources in teaching field, apply the games into teaching field, then make the games serve the teaching field and improve the teaching efficiency.
Keywords: junior grade of primary school; mathematical game; mathematical teaching; teaching field; role