摘 要: 本文以学困生的定义、特征为理论为基础,把小学学困生分为学习方法不当型、懒惰型、自身厌学型、受外界影响型四类;并分析了形成学困生的原因,根据不同的成因从小学生个人、学校教育、家庭教育、社会环境四个方面提出了相对应的转化策略。
关键词: 小学学困生;类型;转化策略
ABSTRACT: In this paper, based on the theory of poor student's definition, characteristics, and divides into the elementary school poor student learning method is undeserved, lazy, disgusted with its type, affected by the outside world type four classes; And analyzes the reasons for poor student, according to the different causes from individual students, school education, family education and social environment four aspects put forward the corresponding transformation strategy.
Keyword:Primary school students with learning difficulties; type; transformation strategy