摘 要:教学方式的改革是新课程改革中的一个重要方面,探究式教学作为一种能弥补传统教学方式不足的现代教学方式,正被广大中小学教师广泛应用。然而,在我国农村地区,由于受长期以来授受式教学方式的影响,部分农村小学教师对如何有效的开展探究式教学认识不够,在尝试探究式教学的过程中出现了种种问题。本文采用文献法、案例分析法,基于农村小学,以教师、学生以及教学资源为切入点,分析农村小学探究式教学存在的主要问题,并提出相应的对策。
ABSTRACT:The reform of teaching method is an important aspect in the new curriculum reform, inquiry teaching as a make up the traditional teaching methods of modern teaching methods, it is the general elementary and middle schools teacher widely used. However, in China's rural areas, due to the influence of instruction mode for a long time, the rural primary school teachers on how to effectively carry out the inquiry teaching in the process of cognition is not enough, try to inquiry teaching have all sorts of problems. In this paper, using literature method, case analysis method, based on the rural primary school, teachers, students and teaching resources in as the breakthrough point, analysis study on the main problems of teaching in rural primary school, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: Rural primary school; inquiry teaching; problem; countermeasure