摘 要:我国幅员辽阔,地域发展很不平衡。经济与教育息息相关,经济发展的不平衡性带来了教育领域内城市优秀教师富集而农村教师缺乏的现象,折射出我国教育发展的不均衡,影响了教育的公平发展,通过对农村小学实施绩效工资制是解决这一现象的必然选择。本文在总结已有研究的基础上,针对农村小学教师绩效工资实施中出现的问题,提出解决措施,主要包括四个部分:第一部分是农村小学实施绩效工资的背景;第二部分是农村小学教师绩效工资实施中出现的问题;第三部分是根据农村小学实施绩效工资出现的问题分析具体影响原因;第四部分是提出针对性的改进意见和建议。
ABSTRACT:China has a vast geographical development is very uneven. Closely related to the economy and education, the imbalance of economic development has brought urban excellent teachers in the field of education enrichment and the lack of teachers in rural areas, a reflection of the uneven development of education in China, affecting the equitable development of education, through the implementation of rural primary pay for performance system is an inevitable choice to solve this phenomenon. Summary of existing research on the basis of the problems in the implementation of rural primary school teacher performance pay, proposed solutions, mainly consists of four parts: The first part is the background of the rural primary schools pay for performance; The second part is a rural primary school teachers problems in the implementation of pay for performance; rural primary problems in implementation of pay for performance analysis of the specific impact of reasons; fourth part is to put forward specific suggestions for improving our.
Key words: Rural; Primary; Pay for performance; Status quo; Countermeasures