[摘要] “儿童幸福”是一个古老而熟悉的话题,也一直是古今中外教育者谈论的焦点。从教育学与心理学角度看,“儿童幸福”既是儿童身之所处的客观生活,又是儿童主观生活状态的一种积极心理体验,即儿童对幸福的自我知觉。儿童幸福感是儿童与现实生活情境协调及达到完美统一的自我认同及自我欣赏的感觉,是儿童对其生活满意度及其各方面的全面评价,包括由此产生的积极性情感为主的心理感受,并对儿童一生的发展具有重大意义。儿童的幸福并不等同于成人的幸福,我们不能将成人的幸福强加给儿童,或者逼迫儿童为明天的幸福做准备而失去当下的幸福。小学生幸福感的构成要素可能是内在的价值和外在的价值两个方面,也可能是占有的价值和成为的价值两个方面,亦或者是共享的价值和非共享的价值两个方面。这一基于哲学、教育学和心理学的理论假设,可通过对小学生群体“幸福事件”的故事访谈、正式访谈和文本分析找到例证。
[Abstract] "children' s happiness" is an old and familiar topic, and all the time it has been the focus of all ages and educators in any countries. From the perspective of pedagogy and psychology, "Children's happiness" is not only the children's body of the objective life, but also a positive psychological experience of the state in the subjective life children , namely the self consciousness of the children's happiness. Children's well-being is unified identity and self appreciate feeling, in which children and real life situation is coordination and achieve perfect. It is the life satisfaction and children all aspects of comprehensive evaluation, including the resulting enthusiasm emotional primarily psychological feeling, and the development of children's life has the great significance. Children's happiness is not equal to the happiness of adults, we will not impose the happiness of the adults to children, or losing the happiness in order to persecute for tomorrow's happy. The elements of pupils happiness may be inner value and the value of the external two aspects, also may be the value of the possession and the value of the formation, or Shared values and non shared values two aspects. This is based on philosophy, the pedagogy and the psychology theoretical assumptions, but through to the elementary student group "happy event" story interviews, formal interviews and text analysis to find example.
[Key words] pupils; Happiness; Happy event; happy