[摘要] 本研究采用学习适应性问卷和学习自我效能感问卷,探讨278名小学中高年级学生学习适应性和学习自我效能感的发展水平及其之间的关系。研究表明:①小学生在学习适应性上的年级差异并不明显,从性别上看,男、女生在学习适应性总体水平上也不存在显著的年级差异。②小学生在学习适应性水平上存在显著的性别差异,女生在学习方法和求知欲维度上高于男生。从年级上看,四五六年级学生在学习适应性上不存在显著的性别差异。③小学生在学习自我效能感上存在显著的年级差异,六年级学生显著高于五年级,四、五年级和四、六年级不存在显著差异。从性别上看,男生在学习自我效能感上不存在显著的年级差异,女生在学习自我效能感上存在年级差异。④小学生在学习自我效能感上存在显著的性别差异,从年级上看,六年级学生在学习自我效能感上存在显著的性别差异,四、五年级在学习自我效能感上不存在显著的性别差异。⑤小学生学习适应性各个维度和学习自我效能感各个维度之间都存在极其显著的正相关。
[关键词] 小学生;学习适应性;学习自我效能感
[Abstract] This paper aims to investigate the development situation of academic adaptability and academic self-efficacy testing 278 primary school students from different grade through related questionnaire, and discuss the relationship between them. The research shows as follows: 1 Academic adaptability embodied on the students from different grade is no significant difference, so does the students in different gender. 2 Academic adaptability embodied on the students in different gender is largely different, girls are more sensitive to find learning methods and pursue knowledge. Academic adaptability embodied on the students from higher grades has no significant difference. 3 Academic self-efficacy embodied on the students from different grades has significant difference; Academic self-efficacy embodied on the students in grade 6 are superior to the students in grade 5. But there is no great difference between the students in grade 4 and grade 5, between the students in grade 4 and grade 6. Academic self-efficacy embodied on the male students in different grades has no significant difference, but there is evident difference in female students from different grades. 4 Academic self-efficacy embodied on the female students is superior to that on male students, and it has largely difference in the students in grade 5 and grade 6, no great difference in the students in grade 4 and grade 5. 5 There is evident positive correlation between academic adaptability and academic self-efficacy in primary school students from different grade.
[Key Words] primary school students,academic adaptability, academic self-efficacy