[摘要] 插图在语文教学中应用广泛,可以提高教学质量与效率,是语文教材的第二语言。汉语拼音是帮助学生识字、学习普通话的有效工具,但是拼音教学又是抽象和枯燥的,对刚入学的儿童来说,要掌握这一工具是有一定难度的。教材每一课都配有色彩鲜艳的插图,这些图直观形象,既表音,又表义,接近生活实际,富有情趣。教学时,教师可以利用课本插图使儿童自觉地从图中认识字母的音和形,提高学习效率。
[关键词] 汉语拼音 ; 插图
[Abstract] The illustrations was widely used in primary school education in two ways.Firstly,it improve the quality of teaching.Secondly,it promotes efficiency of education.The Chinese Phonetic Alphabet is an instrument for learning to read and write efficiently.But it is still uninteresting and abstract for newly enrolled pupils. Because It's too hard to acquire all the knowledge for the pupils.The colorful illustrations of every texts for first grade are vivid.The illustrations for Chinese Phonetic Alphabets is both phonetic and ideographic.It is Close to the real life and full of fun.In conclusion,the illustrations play a importent role in teaching.
[Keyword] Chinese Phonetic Alphabet ; illustrations ;