[摘要] “没有大胆的猜想,就做不出伟大的发现”。培养数学猜想能力是培养学生创造能力的重要途径。本文以特级教师黄爱华的一节课作为课例为研究对象,通过研究发现:教师给学生以足够的时间和自由想象的空间;为学生的猜想创造环境借助演绎推理验证猜想,培养学生大胆猜想的自信心;通过提问引发学生产生猜想的冲动。总结出对学生猜想能力培养的可取之处和总结自己研究的不足。
[关键字] 数学猜想能力;自由空间; 提问;演绎推理;
Abstract: " No bold guess, do no great discovery". Fostering mathematical guessing ability is the important way to cultivate students' creative ability. This article take special-class teacher Huang Aihua a lesson as a lesson as a research object, through the study found: teachers give students enough time and space for imagination; for students to guess to create an environment with deductive verification suppose, cultivate students' bold guess self-confidence; by asking students to produce guess impulse. To summarize on students' guess merit.
Keywords: Supposing Ability of Mathematics; Free space; Put questions to; Deductive reasoning