【摘要】 教师的根本任务是教书育人,教师对学生的教育主要是通过言传身教实现的,其中,言传是主要的方式之一。本文通过透视当前小学教师常用不当批评语及表扬语的类型,探讨小学教师批评语及表扬语使用不当的原因,分析列举了部分小学教师批评语及表扬语的运用策略。通过本研究,以期使小学教师对学生的评价更加多元化,更加有效地提高教育学生的效果。
【关键词】 小学教师;批评语;表扬语
[Abstract] Teachers' basic task is teaching, teachers in education students achieved mainly through the words and deeds. Language of Criticism and praise are spoken in the areas of education, is the main form of persuasion teachers in. This popular primary school teachers through the perspective of the current criticism of inappropriate language and recognition of the type of language, critical language of primary school teachers and to recognize the reasons for inappropriate use of language, analyzes some primary school teachers cited criticism of the use of language and recognition of language policy. Through this study, the students can make the evaluation of primary school teachers is more diversified, so we use the language of Criticism and praise the new curriculum standards more and more effectively enhance the effect of education students.
[Key words] Primary school teacher ;Criticized language;Praise language