[摘要]本研究主要探讨了中高年级小学生自我概念与孤独感之间的关系,运用Asher儿童孤独感量表(Children’s Loneliness Scale)与Piers-Harris儿童自我意识量表(The Piers-Harris Children’s Self-concept Scale)对某小学的四、五年级的小学生进行测试,用SPSS11.5对数据进行处理。得出结论:1.40.6%的中高年级小学生自我概念较高,同时中高年级小学生的自我概念不存在显著的年级差异。2.中高年级小学女生在自我概念整体水平及智力与学校情况、躯体外貌与属性、幸福与满足等三个维度上的自我评价显著高于中高年级小学男生。3.中高年级小学生孤独感不存在显著的年级、性别差异。4.中高年级小学生自我概念和孤独感存在显著负相关。
[Abstract]This study focuses on the relation between self-concept and loneliness of the pupils in middle and high grades of primary school. Using Children’s Loneliness Scale and Piers-Harris Children’s Self-concept Scale in a primary school four and five grader tested,and conducting the questionnaire survey data with SPSS11.0 processing.Draw the conclusion: 1. 40.6% of the number of of the pupils in middle and high grades of primary school have high self-concept,and there is no s significant difference in grade . 2.The girls in middle and high grades of primary school have higher self-concept than the boys on the whole level and three dimensions including" intellect and behaviors in school " "appearance and attributes " and "happiness and contentment " .3. There is no significant difference in grade and gender of the the pupils in middle and high grades of primary school in loneliness .4.Self-concept is negatively correlated with loneliness of the pupils in middle and high grades of primary school.
[Key Words] Primary school students; Self-concept; Loneliness;