关键词: 小学数学;学困生;数学学困生;成因;转化策略
Abstract:Students with learning difficulties Poor students are a special group exists at home and abroad, at home and abroad has been the concern of educators and research results of the underachievers also very rich. Abroad, Mr. Bloom Holm, as well as China's Zhong Qiquan and Professor Liu Hongbai and so on students with learning difficulties to discuss and study the scientific and precise.
At present, most domestic and foreign educators macro students with learning difficulties, research and analysis, few studies of elementary school students with learning difficulties, especially in elementary school mathematics students with learning difficulties. Therefore, on the basis of the existing research through questionnaires, interviews and observation, affect the formation of elementary school mathematics students with learning difficulties both subjective and objective factors were analyzed, and try to put forward a viable strategy for transition.
The paper is divided into four parts. The first part is mainly the question the background, purpose, significance and research methods are introduced; The second part is an overview of the relevant research results at home and abroad, and elementary school mathematics students with learning difficulties to define; Part III, respectively, from the primary school mathematics interest in learning of students with learning difficulties, methods and habits, teaching methods and attitudes of teachers, parents' education methods were analyzed in terms of the causes of elementary school mathematics students with learning difficulties; fourth part is the basis of the analysis, from the student, teachers and parents a viable strategy for transition.
Keywords primary school mathematics students students with mathematical learning difficulties causes transformation strategy