关键词 学习习惯;小学生;数学学习
Abstract:Primary school mathematics learning habits in students' lifelong development occupies an important position, but also one of the key measure of educational success, but now students learn mathematics habit face many problems. Primary stage is to develop study habits critical period, this period students ability to imitate, plasticity, therefore, teachers at this stage to strengthen the work of pupils learning habit. The so-called study habits is that students learn in a certain behavior manifested in a stable way of learning. In this sense, learning habits is not only a social and historical factors, there are also people too subjective factors.
By Funing Chenji Central Primary 1 to 6 graders math learning habits Survey, found that students learning habits mathematics major problems exist in: Keqianyuxi habits, habits of classroom lectures, after-school study habits and so on. For primary school mathematics learning habit is mainly to address these issues make recommendations accordingly, on the one hand from teachers, teachers in the teaching process should always pay attention to the cultivation of students' mathematics learning habits, but for different students for different training strategies; on the other hand from the students, to recognize the importance of study habits, learning habits in the training process to persevere not halfway.
Keywords Study habits Teacher Learning Mathematics Learning