关键词 大众媒体;德育;小学生;调查研究;改进措施
Abstract:The mass media moral influence on students is more and more important role of the mass media, many primary school moral education is not high, there is not reasonable phenomenon of the combination of moral education and mass media, how to effectively use the mass media to the primary moral guidance, improve primary school moral education idea, affect the use of the mass media realistic to the elementary education is the ultimate goal of this paper.This paper from the mass media influence on Elementary Education Overview, influence and strategy optimization on the three aspects, including the background and significance, theoretical basis, research status, through the questionnaire analysis summed up the students understanding of the mass media and the moral relations unclear, pupils and mass media are not coordinated, the school moral education in the mass media lack of attention, and the proposed optimization strategy, namely the government to support the implementation of preferential policy, or moral education to the mass media, mass media to guide the implementation of a resource, provide the mass media about pupils' moral education, play a good platform for the exchange of mass media, the function of moral education.
Keywords The mass media moral education primary scholar investigate corrective actions