摘要:由于各个家庭经济能力、文化水平、道德素养和个性特征的不同,教育素养和教养方法千差万别,使得孩子们接受的家庭教育也出现很大的差异,家长学校的存在显得尤为重要。笔者制定家长对苏南地区家长学校发展现状的调查报告,以便了解家庭教育和家长学校的发展现状,找出存在问题,提出转化措施使家长学校走向规范化、系统化、健康化。 前三部分笔者分别对问题的背景、国内外相关文献综述和概念界定以及研究路线进行介绍。第四部分是对苏南地区家长学校发展现状的问卷调查做及时的整理与归纳,包括家庭基本情况、家庭教育情况、家长学校发展情况等。第五部分分析了苏南地区家长学校发展过程中存在问题的原因,主要从主观和客观两方面进行原因分析。最后一部分,针对家长学校发展问题提出相应的改善措施,主要从提高认识、促进师资培训、完善上级管理机制、加强社会法律监督机制、下拨办学经费、规范家长学校管理机制这六方面考虑。
关键词 苏南地区;家长学校;发展现状;调查研究;改进措施
Abstract:Because of families economic ability, culture level, moral accomplishment and personality characteristics, education quality and breeding methods differ in thousands ways, let children accept the family education, there is a big difference, parents schools exist is particularly important. The author for parents to parents in the areas of southern school development present situation investigation report, in order to understand the development situation of family education and school parents, find out problems, standardized, systematic transformation measures were put forward to make parents schools, health.
The author first proposed to the problem background, research purpose, research significance and research methods are introduced. The second part is a questionnaire to parents in the areas of southern school current situation of the development of timely tidy up and summarized, including the basic family situation, family education, parents, school development situation, etc. The third part analyzes the parents in the areas of southern school cause of the problems existing in the development process, mainly from two aspects of subjective and objective reason analysis. Last part, in view of the parent school development put forward the corresponding improvement measures, mainly from the awareness, improve teacher training, improve the management mechanism, strengthen social legal supervision mechanism, allocate funds, standardize the schools for parents management mechanism, these six aspects to consider.
Keywords: in Southern JiangSu Parents schools Development present situation investigation and study Improvement measures