实验室收集到六株乳酸菌,发酵初测得到一株丁二酮高产菌株,命名为DX。经过16SrDNA测序和构建系统发育树,结果表明菌株DX的16SrDNA基因序列同Lactococcus Lctis的同源性百分比为99%,综合系统发育树结果,将DX菌株鉴定为乳酸乳球菌。通过单因素试验和中心组合试验确定DX菌株的最佳发酵条件为:脱脂乳质量分数10%(w/v),接种量2%(v/v),发酵培养基初始pH6.5,培养温度37℃,装液量为100ml,静置培养。测定丁二酮产量达到22.38mg/L。
Abstract:According to the theory of metabolic control fermentation, the dissertation mainly focuses on the breeding of high diacetyl-producing mutant, fermentation optimization.
One strain of Lactobacillus DX with high diacetyl production was screened and the best fermentation conditions for diacetyl production was optimized. After sequence the 16SrDNA , construct the phyletic evolution tree, compare the 16SrDNA gene of DX with Lactococcus lactis, the homology percentage is 99%.Considering the phyletic evolution tree result, DX strain is appraised as Lactococcus lactis. The single factor experiments and the center combination test determine the best fermentation conditions of Lactobacillus DX are as follows: concentration of skim milk is 10%, inoculum concentration is 2%, initial fermentative medium pH is 6.5, culture temperature is 37℃, static cultivation. The diacetyl yield achieves 22.38mg/L.
Key words: Lactic acid bacteria; Diacetyl production; Screening; Fermentation condition; Optimization
1. 所获得的菌株具有一定的丁二酮生产能力,表明该菌株有较大的潜力,应进一步开展优良菌株的选育,以获得高产丁二酮优良菌株,用于丁二酮的产品开发。
2. 在发酵罐间歇发酵研究方面需要系统考察搅拌转速、通气量、溶氧水平对产物合成的影响,全面优化发酵罐发酵过程中溶氧、转速、PH等重要参数的控制要求。