摘 要
我省具有优良的油茶种质资源,气候条件适宜,土地资源丰富,发展油茶产业前景广阔。发展油茶产业,种苗是基础,良种是关键,为了快速繁殖出良种穗条,我们开展了云南省5个油茶良种的扦插育苗试验研究。本试验使用50mg/L ABT6号、50mg/L ABT1号、150mg/L吲哚乙酸三种不同的生根剂分别处理五个品种的插穗,即云油茶3号、云油茶4号、云油茶9号、云油茶13号、云油茶14号。研究表明:云油茶3号扦插苗最适合的生根剂为150mg/L的吲哚乙酸;云油茶4号扦插苗最适合的生根剂为150mg/L的吲哚乙酸;云油茶9号扦插苗最适合的生根剂为50mg/L ABT1号;云油茶13号扦插苗最适合的生根剂为50mg/L ABT1号;云油茶14号扦插苗最适合的生根剂为50mg/L ABT6号。
关键词:油茶; 生根剂;扦插育苗
There are good Camellia oleifera resources ,favorable climatic conditions and rich land resources in Yunnan province. The seedling is foundation and excellent cultivars is key to develop the Camellia oleifera industry. To reproduce excellent cultivar’s scions rapidly,the five different cuttings of Camellia oleifera was studied, including YunyouNo.3 ,YunyouNo.4 ,YunyouNo.9,YunyouNo.13, YunyouNo.14 . The cuttings treated with ABT1 50mg/L,ABT6 50mg/L, acid(IAA) 150mg/L in this experiment.The result showed ,the most suitable rooting agent of YunyouNo.3 was acid(IAA)150mg/L ;The most suitable rooting agent of YunyouNo.4 was acid(IAA)150mg/L ;The most suitable rooting agent of YunyouNo.9 was ABT1 50mg/L ;The most suitable rooting agent of YunyouNo.13 was ABT1 50mg/L ;The most suitable rooting agent of YunyouNo.14 was ABT6 50mg/L.
Key words: Camellia oleifera;rooting agent;cutting seedlings