关键词 P. ananatis;纤维素酶;内切葡聚糖酶;活性特征
Abstract:Endoglucanase is a common cellulose. Taking fermentation product in cellulase activity as an index, enzyme activity of a recombinant endoglucanase strain was analyzed by liquid fermentation technology. Recombinant endoglucanase enzymes producing strain liquid fermentation and after induction, changes in enzyme reaction conditions, using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ( CMC-Na ) method for the determination of the enzyme activity, the strain after induced by 2h, at around pH5.0, temperature 50℃ under the reaction conditions of enzyme activity reached the highest by 44.67U/ml, while Mn2+ on the enzyme has stimulative effect. This study provides more in-depth perspective on fermentation of recombinant endoglucanase and a better understanding of the endoglucanase characteristics for novel endoglucanase development.
Keywords P. ananatis Cellulase Endoglucanase Activity characteristics