关键词 枯草芽孢杆菌;抗菌肽;发酵条件优化;抑菌效果
Abstract:This was a experiment about the production of the antimicrobial peptides. We carried out the experiment by solid state fermentation. The optimal nitrogen source, solid liquid ratio, carbon source, temperature, time, pH for the production of antimicrobial substance by bacillus subtilis were tested. The results showed that the best medium was: bran(8g)、corn powder(2%)、soybean meal(1%)、NaCl(0.5%)、KH2PO4(0.1%)、MgSO4·7H2O(0.04%). The medium composition and fermentation conditions were optimized by solid fermentation method. The best fermentation condition was: 1% inoculum size, 96h fermentation, fermentation temperature32℃, pH 5, 1:3.5 solid liquid ratio, used corn flour as a carbon source, used soybean meal as a nitrogen source, under these conditions, we got the best inhibitory effect.
Keywords Bacillus subtilis Antibiotic peptide Optimization of fermentation condition Antibacterial effect