摘要:本文以蝉花虫草子实体为原料,研究了蝉花虫草速溶粉的生产工艺。采用响应面法研究蝉花子实体最佳的水解条件,酶解液经匀浆、去杂蛋白、过滤、冷冻干燥,获得蝉花速溶粉,并对速溶粉的感官性能、溶解性能、活性成分、卫生学指标进行了检测。结果表明,酶解的最佳条件为:酶解pH为7、水解温度为50℃、纤维素的酶量为0.5%、酶解时间为35min。产品的湿润性15.91s、分散性为1s、堆积密度为1.6737g/mL。多糖含量为473.57mg/g,总核苷的含量为16.693mg/g。尿苷含量为2.1835mg/g, 腺嘌呤的含量为0.920mg/g,肌苷的含量为0.8028mg/g。
关键词 蝉花虫草;速溶粉;溶解性能;活性成分
Abstract:Cordyceps sobolifera was selected as raw material, the processing technology of cordyceps sobolifera instant powder was studied. The addition of cellulase were optimized by orthogonal experiments. The Cordyceps sobolifera instant powder was prepared by removing contaminating proteins, homogenate, filtration and freeze-drying. Senses of instant powder, solubility, the active ingredient and hygiene indicators were tested. The experiment results showed that the optimal parameters were pH5, 50℃, cellulase 0.5%, 35min respectively. The wetness, dispensability and bulk density were 15.91s, 1s, 1.6737g/mL respectively. The content of polysaccharide and the total nucleoside were 473.57mg/g, 16.693mg/g respectively. The uridine , adenine and inosine were 2.1835mg/g, 0.6920mg/g, 0.8028mg/g.
Keywords Cordyceps sobolifera instant powder instant solubility active ingredient