摘要:[目的]探讨金属离子锌、镉对伴矿景天沙培苗生长及抗氧化酶的影响。[方法]以伴矿景天沙培苗为实验材料,用含锌浓度为10、20、50、100umol/L,镉浓度为10、20、50、100umol/L 的溶液处理伴矿景天沙培苗,分别在0d、3d、6d、9d、12d、15d测定伴矿景天的SOD、POD、CAT和MDA含量。[结果] 当用Zn2+浓度10~50umol/L,Cd2+浓度为10、20umol/L处理后促进了伴矿景天的生长,提高了抗氧化酶活性及MDA含量,Zn2+浓度大于50umol/L、Cd2+浓度大于20umol/L时则对伴矿景天沙培苗生长表现出抑制作用,而MDA含量依然增长。[结论]较低浓度Zn2+、Cd2+对伴矿景天沙培苗生长起促进作用,而较高浓度Zn2+、Cd2+对伴矿景天沙培苗生长具抑制作用。
关键词:伴矿景天; 锌离子; 镉离子; 抗氧化酶
Abstract: [Objective] ] Effects of Zn2+、Cd2+ on the growth and antioxidant enzyme of Sedum plumbizincicola by sand cultivate.[Method] The Sedum plumbizincicola by sand cultivate being taken as testing material, the bioactivity of SOD、POD、CAT and the content of MDA in Sedum plumbizincicola which was dealed with the concentration of Zinc of 10、20、50、100umol/L, Cadmium of 10、20、50、100 umol /L for 0、3、6、9、12、15d were measured respectively.[Result] The concentration of Zinc of10~50umol/L , Cadmium of 10、20umol/L. When the concentration of Zinc is above than 50umol/L、Cadmium above than 20umol/L, Sedum plumbizincicola by tissue culture contain, but the content of MDA still growed .[ Conclusion]Lower concentration of Zn2+、Cd2+ promoted the growth and antioxidant enzyme, but the higher Zn2+、Cd2+ inhibited.
Key words: Sedum plumbizincicola; Zn2+; Cd2+; Antioxidant Enzyme.