摘要 [目的] 白符跳(Folsomia candida)长期人工恒温条件下饲养繁殖力会出现退化,单位空间中的种群数目不能较好恢复和延续,所以拟通过在不同温度环境下,对此种跳虫生长、繁殖情况的观察,以找到较适宜激发种群繁殖力恢复或保持的低温环境条件。[方法] 将白符跳置于5℃、10℃、15℃、25℃、30℃五种不同温度下,观察并记录白符跳的活虫数目和产卵情况。接下来,将这五种温度下的跳虫放置于25℃条件下进行种群恢复实验。[结果] 15℃饲养后生长力和繁殖力情况最好,10℃次之。
关键词:白符跳; 温度; 繁殖力; 种群数目
Abstract:[Objective] Folsomia candida will appear degradation in the long-term artificial constant temperature raised, the populations of the unit of the space is not recover and continue preferably, so we can through different temperature ,observe the growth and reproduction of Folsomia candida to find more suitable temperature to stimulate the recovery of the reproduction or maintain. [Methods] The Folsomia candida ,which treated under the conditions of different temperature(5℃、10℃、15℃、25℃、30℃), the number of live Folsomia candida and the condition of eggs were observed and recorded. [Result] Under 15℃ and 25℃ are the most favorable to Folsomia candida reproduction, 30℃ is second best, 5℃ is the worst.
Keyword: Folsomia candida; temperature; reproduction; the number of the population