摘 要:以银杏粉为原料,选择不同极性溶剂在不同条件下对其索氏提取处理,主要考虑温度、时间、溶剂用量对提取率的影响,通过单因素实验和正交实验确定最佳提取方案:用240mL乙酸乙酯在70℃浸提4h,可将银杏内酯含量由6%提高到20%左右。大孔树脂吸附法也可以将银杏内酯得到初步的分离,以高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定分配系数法对制备型HPLC分离的馏分,即可从银杏提取物中分离得到单体组分。
关键词 银杏内酯;制备分离;抗氧化性
Abstract:The ginkgo lactone extract preparation method. Ginkgo powder as raw material, choose different polar solvent under different conditions of the soxhlet extraction processing, the main consideration of temperature, time, dosage of solvent on the extraction yield of influence, through the single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment to determine the best extracting solution: use 240 mL ethyl acetate extraction 4 h at 70 ℃, ginkgo lactone content can be increased from 6% to 20%. Macroporous resin adsorption method can also be ginkgo lactone get preliminary separation, by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) determination of partition coefficient method for the preparation of HPLC separation of distillate, can be isolated from ginkgo biloba extract monomer composition.
Isolated from ginkgo lactone in oxidation resistance analysis, results show that the removal ability of DPPH free radical, has a certain ability and the concentration is relatively clear concentration-response relationship.
Keywords bilobalide high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) antioxidant activity stability