摘 要:本课题对芦荟凉茶的生产工艺进行了研究,采用煎煮法浸提芦荟茶叶中的有效成分。通过正交试验确定了芦荟茶第一次浸提条件为浸提温度75℃、浸提时间20min、料水比为1:40,第二次浸提条件为浸提温度50℃、浸提时间10min、料水比为1:40;菊花的浸提条件为浸提温度75℃、浸提时间1h、料水比1:30。芦荟浸提液与菊花浸提液调配时,通过添加柠檬酸和蔗糖得到色泽浅黄、口感清爽怡人、澄清透明的芦荟茶饮料。通过对产品感官的评价和正交试验确定芦荟凉茶最佳配方为:芦荟茶提取液30%、菊花提取液15%、柠檬酸1%、蔗糖9%,其余纯净水。最佳护色方案为:抗坏血酸0.35%、柠檬酸0.2%、碳酸氢钠1.0%浸泡1h,得到颜色浅黄的滤液。
Abstract:The subject of the production process of the aloe vera herbal tea, boiling extraction of the active ingredients in aloe tea. Aloe tea first extraction conditions determined by orthogonal experiments for the extraction temperature 75 ° C, extraction time 20min, ratio of material to water 1:40, the second extraction conditions for the extraction temperature 50 ° C, extraction time 10min, the material to water ratio of 1:40; chrysanthemum extract conditions for the extraction temperature 75 ° C, extraction time 1h, feed water ratio of 1:30. The aloe extracts of chrysanthemum extracts deployment by adding citric acid and sucrose light yellow color, refreshing taste, clear and transparent aloe tea drinks. Sensory evaluation and orthogonal test aloe vera herbal tea formula: aloe tea extract 30%, 15% of the chrysanthemum extract, citric acid 1%, 9% sucrose, and the remaining pure water. Best color protection scheme as follows: 0.35% of ascorbic acid, 0.2% of citric acid, 1.0% of sodium bicarbonate soak for 1 hour, to obtain a pale yellow color filtrate.
Keywords Aloe Herbal tea Production process Color protection