摘 要:本课题主要研究大蒜的深加工技术,以大蒜为原料,辣椒、香油等为辅料,采用清洗、热烫、捣碎、过滤、护色、均质等主要加工工序,制作了一种风味良好的大蒜调味汁。实验中采用了加热和添加食盐、β―环状糊精、蜂蜜的方法进行除臭,采用添加亚硫酸氢钠、L-半胱氨酸、色拉油和Vc的方法进行护色,采用定硫法测定大蒜素含量,采用添加Vc、亚硫酸钠对比试验和低温保存的方法延长保质期,并利用正交试验优化了除臭、护色参数以及蒜汁配方。试验结果为:除臭的最佳方案为在经过100℃,5min的热烫后,再添加食盐6%、β-环状糊精1.2%、蜂蜜0.8%。护色的最佳方案为添加亚硫酸氢钠0.15%、L-半胱氨酸0.6%、色拉油7%、Vc1%。配方的最佳方案为大蒜汁成品中辣椒水30%、食盐10%、色拉油7%、蔗糖1.5%、小磨香油0.9%、Vc1%、L-半胱氨酸0.6%、味精0.2%、亚硫酸氢钠0.15%,剩下为蒜汁。测得鲜蒜中大蒜素含量为1.13%。低温储存和加入Vc可以有效延长保质期。
Abstract:The main research of this topic is the deep processing technology in the study of garlic,with garlic as raw materials,pepper and sesame oil as accessories,use cleaning,blanching,mashing,filtering,deodorization,colour as the main process,making a good flavor of garlic sauce.In the experiment,use heating,salt,β - cyclodextri and honey to deodorize,use sodium hydrogen sulfite,L- cysteine,salad oil and heating to color,use the fix sulfur method to determine the allicin content,use Vc and low temperature to extend the shelf-life,and use the orthogonal test to discuss the optimal scheme of the deodorization,colour and the garlic juice recipe.Test results:The optimal scheme of the eodorization are the heating temperature is 100℃, the time is 5 minutes,the salt content is 6%,β - cyclodextri content is 1.2%,the honey content is 0.8%.The optimal scheme of the colour are the sodium hydrogen sulfite content is 0.15%,the L- cysteine content is 0.7%,the salad oil content is 8%,the temperature is 90℃,the optimal scheme of the garlic juice recipe are the hot water content is 30%,the salt content is 10%,the sugar content is 1.5%,the sesame oil content is 1%,the monosodium glutamate content is 0.2%.The allicin content of garlic is 1.13%.
Keywords garlic deep processing deodorization colour recipe allicin content orthogonal test