摘 要:通过时间-温度指示卡(TTI)的机械的、化学的、电化学的、酶学的或生物学方面的不可逆变化,来指示食品的温度变化历程和剩余货架信息,以便控制食品的销售。时间-温度指示卡根据其原理不同可以指示各个种类食品。本文是针对鱼类、肉类和冷冻食品,主要指示鱼类、肉类和冷冻食品的温度变化历程和剩余货架信息。根据不同食品的不同特性设计出四种方案来分别指示鱼类、肉类和冷冻食品的温度变化历程和剩余货架信息。
关键词:时间-温度指示卡 海产品 肉类 冷冻 硝酸银 氯化钠
Abstract:Through the time-temperature indicator CARDS (TTI) mechanical, chemical and electrochemical, enzymology or biology irreversible changes, to indicate the food the temperature change of the process and the remaining shelves information, so as to control food sales. Time-temperature indicator CARDS according to its principle different can be instructed to each category food. This article is for fish, meat and frozen foods, the main indicator of fish, meat and frozen food temperature history and the remaining shelf. Four programs designed according to different characteristics of different foods to indicate the fish, meat and frozen food temperature history and the remaining shelf life information.
Key words: time-temperature indicator cards seefood meet frozen nitric acid silver sodium chloride