摘要:[目的]猪苓菌丝体液体培养是工业化生产猪苓多糖的有效途径。为了寻求高效的猪苓菌丝体液体培养工艺,对猪苓菌丝体液体培养基的配方进行了筛选研究。[方法]以猪苓Polyporus umbellate(Pers.)Fries为材料,采用摇瓶培养法对猪苓液体菌种的营养需求和培养条件进行了研究。[结果]猪苓液体菌种发酵的最佳培养基配方为:葡萄糖:2%,KH2PO4:0.15%,MgSO4:0.075%,维生素B1:0.001%,水:250ml,豆粕:0.5%,ZnSO4:0.02%,FeSO4:0.02%,pH自然。最适培养条件为26℃,130r/min。
关键词:猪苓; 液体菌种; 摇瓶培养; 发酵条件
Abstract:[Objective]Liquid culture of Polyporus umbellatu mycelium is an effective way to industrialize the production of Polyporus umbellatus polysaccharides. The Study is to find out the best selection of formulas for liquid culture media of Polyporus umbellatus.[Methods]The paper deals with the selection of liquid culture media for Polyporus umbellate through flask culture method..Results]The experimental result showed that Glucose: 2%, KH2PO4: 0.15%, MgSO4: 0.075%, Vitamin B1: 0.001%, Water: 250ml, soybean meal: 0.5% ZnSO4,: 0.02% , FeSO4: 0.02% and pH naturally. Optimal culture conditions for 26 ℃, 130r/min.
Key words:Polyporus umbellatus; Liquid spawn; Flask culture; Fernentation conditions