Abstract:On April 2010 we used a camera to observe a nest of Pica pica which was in the brooding period in Jiangsu Nanjing Shuangtang primary school to have preliminary research and understanding of the behavior of early magpie brood. It shows that, adult birds use most of their breeding time (79%) to hug the nestlings for warming, 7% for finishing the nest, 6% for finishing feather, 5% for alerting and 3%for feeding. They have high frequency for feeding on 8:00~9:00 am and 17:00~16:00 pm.
Key words:Pica pica Sericea;Reproduction;Bearing to brood
喜鹊是适应能力比较强的鸟类,在山区、平原都有栖息,无论是荒野、农田、郊区、城市都能看到他们的身影。但是一个普遍规律是人类活动越多的地方,喜鹊种群的数量往往也就越多,而在人迹罕至的密林中则难见该物种的身影。喜鹊常结成大群成对活动,白天在旷野农田觅食,夜间在高大乔木的顶端栖息。 喜鹊是很有人缘的鸟类之一,喜欢把巢筑在民宅旁的大树上,在居民点附近活动。