关键词:克氏源螯虾; 正交实验; 消化酶活力; 光照时间; 钙离子; 镁离子
Abstract: The effects of illumination time ,calcium ion and magnesium ion content in water on digestive enzyme activity of lobster were studied by the enzymatic analytical methed , and the use of orthogonal experimental methed to the three factors were optimized research .The results showed as follow : (1)under the optimal conditions : acceptance of the illumination time was the natural light,calcium concent in water was 25 mg / L, magnesium content in water was 80mg / L, the protease had the highest activities, (2)under the optimal conditions : acceptance of the illumination time was the natural light -4 h , calcium content in water was 35mg / L, magnesium content in water was 60mg / L,the lipase had the highest activities , (3) under the optimal conditions: acceptance illumination time was the natural light +4 h , calcium content in water was 35mg / L, magnesium content in water was 60mg / L, the amylase had the highest activities. At the same time , to expiore the relation between the digestive enzyme activity and the growth of the lobster, the results showed that : the protease activities were closely related with the growth of the lobster.
Keywords: Procambarus clarkia; orthogonal experiment; digestive enzyme activities; illumination time; calcium ion ; magnesium ion