摘要:本文探究了细菌的形态特征及生长特性,考查了不同碳源、氮源、pH等参数对产蓝色素细菌的产色素条件的影响,为其在工业化生产中的应用提供一定的技术条件和理论依据。结果显示,在200g/L的土豆汁中添加2.5%的葡萄糖,pH 6.0时,28℃静置培养3天,蓝色素产量最高。
关键词:蓝色素; 碳源; 氮源; pH
Abstract: This article researches the characteristics and the growth of bacteria. In order to optimize blue-pigmented bacterial fermentation medium, we will discuss the influence of the source of carbon, the source of nitrogen and pH, which will provide technological and theoretical basis for its application in industrial production. The results showed that in 200g/L of the potato juice adding 2.5% glucose, pH 6.0, 28 ℃ cultivating 3 days, blue colorant yield is the highest.
Key Words: blue pigment; the source of carbon; the source of nitrogen; pH