摘要:目的:利用化学方法诱导同源四倍体;确定染色体鉴定方法,进行根尖鉴定,并进行试管苗气孔与形态的比较。方法:采用秋水仙素溶液浸泡的方法诱导青蒿同源四倍体,通过根尖染色体鉴定的方法确定四倍体株系,并借助于多倍体气孔与形态的特点作为辅助方法帮助鉴定。结果:根尖鉴定最佳方法为:早上8:00取材,用0.2%的秋水仙素浸泡,在 60℃以0.2mol/L的盐酸解离14min,蒸馏水低渗30min,改良的苯酚品红染色40min。显微镜观察多倍体根尖染色数目2n=36条,多倍体植株气孔与形态相对于二倍体均发生了变化。结论:建立了青蒿同源四倍体体系,并找到了最佳的根尖染色体鉴定方法,总结了其气孔与形态的差异。
关键词:青蒿; 同源四倍体; 根尖鉴定; 气孔; 植株形态
Abstract:Objective: Using chemical methods to induce polypoid, determining the method of chromosome identification and identifying the root tip, comparing the stoma and morphology with diploidy. Method: The plantlets were dealt with 0.2% colchicum to induce autotetraploids. The rootlets of the plantlet were dealt with different conditions to observe chromosome. Result: Immersing the buds in 0.2% colchicines solution supplemented with 2% DMSO and pretilachlor in 36 hours is the best method to induce autotetraploids. The number of apical's chromosome is 2n=36, the stoma and morphology have changed. Conclusion: Induce polyploids of Artemisia annua L. The most befitting method to induce the autotetraploids and identify the chromosome of the root tip has been found. Summarize the differences in stoma and morphology.
Key words: Artemisia annua L; Autotetraploid; Apex's identification; Stoma; Plant morphology