摘要:以菊花脑(Chrysanthemum nankingense)为实验材料,叶绿素提取量为指标,采用单因素试验(提取溶剂、浸提时间、液料比、温度)和三因素三水平正交试验法优化了菊花脑叶绿素的提取工艺条件。结果表明,影响叶绿素提取的主次因素为浸提时间>温度>液料比,并且浸提时间、液料比、温度的影响都达到了极显著水平;叶绿素最佳提取工艺条件为:以丙酮、无水乙醇及水比例为4.5∶4.5∶1的混合溶液作提取溶剂,浸提时间为3h,液料比为10∶1,温度为50℃。在最佳工艺条件下,叶绿素提取量可达0.03937mg/g。
关键词:菊花脑; 叶绿素;提取方法;单因素实验
Abstract : Taking Chrysanthemum nankingense as the object ,the conditions of chlorophyll extracted from Chrysanthemum nankingense including regent,extraction time,water/dry weight ratio,and temperature were studied by one-factor experimental design and orthogonal design guided by the concentration of chlorophyll extracted.The results showed that the influencing level of every factor was as follows: extraction time > temperature > water/dry weight ratio,and the influences of all factors were very no-table.The optimum extraction conditions were as follows: the extracted regent was the mixture solvent with acetone:ethanol:water=4.5:4.5:1,3h,8:1(water/dry weight), 50℃.Under the optimum extraction conditions,the concentration of chlorophyll extracted was 0.03937mg/ml.
Key words:Chrysanthemum nankingense; chlorophyll; extraction methods; one-factor experiment design