摘要:本实验分别采用0 mg/L、100 mg/L、200 mg/L、400 mg/L和800 mg/L的卡那霉素、氨苄西林钠二种抗生素溶液处理菊花脑种子,以研究二种抗生素对菊花脑种子的萌发效应。结果表明,卡那霉素对菊花脑种子的发芽率和发芽势没有明显的影响,但能明显抑制幼苗的生长,引起幼苗和主根变短,出现白化现象;氨苄西林钠对菊花脑种子的萌发效果显著,表现为随着溶液浓度的升高发芽率跟着增大,对株高的影响作用不大,但是可以显著增加根的长度,其中以400 mg/L的影响效果最显著。
关键词:菊花脑; 卡那霉素; 氨苄西林钠; 萌发
Abstract: In our experiment, kanamycin neomycin and ampicillin sodium are prepared to 0 mg/L、100 mg/L、200 mg/L、400 mg/L and 800 mg/L respectively to process chrysanthemum seed, in order to study effects of these two kinds of antibotics on chrysanthemum seed germination and growth. The result shows that , kanamycin neomycin has no notable effect on seed germination rate and germination potential, but can significantly inhibit the growth of the seed, such as short seedling and root, bleaching phenomenon. Ampicillin sodium on Chrysanthemum seed germination effect is obvious, as with the germination rate increased with the increase of concentration, however, the effect on the height is not big, but can significantly increase the root length, in which 400 mg / L influence the most significant effect.
Key words: chrysanthemum; kanamycin; neomycin ampicillin sodium; germination