摘要:本文以蚕豆为材料,运用微核实验的技术和统计分析的方法,以微核率为指标,研究不同浓度Cr3+及Cr3+、Cu2+复合离子对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性效应。此技术常用于环境监测。本实验以各种不同浓度的重金属离子溶液为实验组,蒸馏水为空白对照。当Cr3+离子单独存在时,其浓度为25~700 mg/L时诱导的蚕豆根尖细胞微核率均与其浓度呈正相关。当Cr3+浓度为700mg/L时,微核率最高。Cr3+浓度继续增大时,由于细胞分裂受到抑制,其微核率下降。说明Cr3+对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的毒性效应——诱发突变(微核)。当Cr3+ 与Cu2+ 共存时,25mg/L的Cu2+对Cr3+的蚕豆根尖微核效应影响表现为拮抗效应。
关键词:蚕豆根尖细胞; Cr3+; Cu2+; 微核率; 复合作用; 诱变
Abstract : This project chooses Vicia faba as material , by using the micronucleus test as the technology, the statistical analysis as the method and the micronucleus frequency as the indicator , through study of genotoxic effects on Vicia faba root tip cells induced by various concentrations of Cr3+ and the combination of Cr3+ and Cu2+.This technique is usually used in environmental monitoring. Various concentrations of heavy metal ion solution are taken as the experimental group and the distilled water as the blank control. When Cr3+ solely exists, the micronucleus frequency of Vicia faba root tip cells and their concentrations are positively correlated in the range of 25~700mg/L Cr3+ .The micronucleus frequency reaches to the highest level of 16.7807‰ when the concentration of Cr3+ is 700mg/L. But the micronucleus frequency decreases with the increase of Cr3+ concentration because cell mitosis is restrained, which shows that Cr3+ has cytogenetic toxic effect on the root tip cells of Vicia faba, i.e., induced mutation(Micronucleus). When Cu2+ and Cr3+ coexists, 25mg/L Cu2+can have Antagonistic effects on the micronucleus frequency of Vica faba root tips cells induced by Cr3+ .
Key words: Vicia faba root tip cells; Cr3+; Cu2+; micronucleus frequency; combination effects; mutagenesis