摘要:2010年2月至3月,对淮河水体中的浮游动物进行了调查。共鉴定浮游动物13种,共164只。轮虫类最多,为7种,占浮游动物物种数的53.8%,桡足类其次,为3种,占23.1%,枝角类3种,占23.1%。淮河浮游动物优势种为萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、象鼻搔(Bosmina sp.)、猛水蚤(Harpacticoida sp.),密度最高是轮虫类,生物量最高是桡足类,枝角类的生物量和比密度均最低。采用种类数、密度和生物量对不同样点的水质状况进行评价表明,淮河为寡营养水体
关键词:浮游动物 群落结构 水质 淮河
Abstract: Zooplankton communities were investigated monthly (February-March 2010) in the huaihe rivers. A total of 13 species, among which, Rotifer was the main group, which contained 7 species (53.8% of the total species number). Only 3 species of Copepoda (23.1% of the total species number)and 3 species of Cladocera (23.1% of the total species number)were observed. The dominant species of huaihe river were Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas、Bosmina、Harpacticoida Sars. Rotifera had the highest density and Copepoda had biomass of zooplankton, but Cladocera had lowest density and biomass. Based on the species number, density, and biomass of zooplankton, it had found that huaihe River were in oligotrophic status.
Key words: zooplankton; community structure; water quality; Huaihe River