关键词:芝芪菌质;中华绒螯蟹; 游离氨基酸
Abstract: Objective: The contents of inorganic ions, free amino acids in muscle and ointment of Chinese mitten crab were systematically studied in this paper. Methods: The test is divided into two groups, one experimental groups, one control group. Control group treated with normal saline, the experimental group were administered with 0.5% Zhiqi fungal substance,.Then, The contents of inorganic ions, free amino acids in muscle and ointment of Chinese mitten crab were carried out. Results: The results showed that the experimental group increased the contents of inorganic ions, free amino acids in muscle and ointment. [Conclusion ]The present observation confirms that right amount of the Zhiqi fungal substance can Promote crab quality in Chinese mitten crab.
Keywords: Zhiqi fungal substance; Chinese mitten crab; free amino acids