摘要:采用水溶稀释法结合硫酸铵无机物沉淀法分离纯化鸡卵黄中IgY, 实验中通过比较不同浓度的饱和硫酸铵对分离纯化的影响。并采用SDS-PAGE法和考马斯亮蓝法对提取产物进行检测。结果显示, 饱和度为50%的硫酸铵分离纯化效果最优,IgY得率最高。
Abstract: Dilution with water-soluble ammonium sulfate mineral precipitation in the separation and purification of egg yolk IgY, Experiment by comparing the effect of different concentration of saturated ammonium sulfate on separation and purification. And extraction using Coomassie brilliant blue method and the SDS-PAGE method on the examination product identification. Results show that joined 50% optimal separation and purification effect of saturated ammonium sulfate, IgY had the highest rate of.
Keywords: IgY, Separation and purification,Identification