关键词: 蜻蜓目; 蟌; 蜻蜓稚虫; 红腹细蟌; 形态学特征
Abstract: the Odonata adult terrestrial nymphs aquatic, their distribution and quantity and water quality is closely related can be used as water quality monitoring of the indicator organism. Followed by dragonflies predatory insects, it is one of the natural enemy insects. In the case of biological control increasingly the attention of biological research on dragonflies also particularly important. According to the statistics of domestic systematic introduction to a special article of dragonfly biology rarely.To further investigate the biological characteristics of the dragonfly, the author first Odonata Senegalensis made a general introduction, and then for Ceriagrion latericium (especially nymphs) morphological features of the detailed observation and description, mainly through the fieldcollected dragonfly nymphs feeding dragonfly nymphs, camera, photo processing, morphological description, literature search, summarize, sum up the method to complete.
Keywords: Odonata; Senegalensis; dragonfly nymphs; Ceriagrion latericium ; morphological characteristics