关键词:NaCl胁迫; 丝瓜;幼苗生长; 赤霉素
Abstract:This essay, adopting the method of manually controlling the salinity of the indoor potted plants cultured by sandy culture, researches the relief effects which gibberellin has on the growth of loofah seedlings under NaCl, physiology and biochemistry (chlorophyll, proline), oxidative damage and the change law of enzymatic activities (MDA, SOD) in oxidative damage system. The result reveals that the incresing of NaCl concentration inhibited the growth and development of the loofahs and GA3 is conducive to the loofah seedling growth under Nacl stress. Because GA3 improves the fresh weight, dry weight, chlorophyll content, SOD activity and proline content of the loofah seedlings. And GA3 also reduces the MDA content of the loofah seedlings and eases the effect of Nacl stress injury,is conducive to the loofah seedling growth under stress conditions in Nacl.
Key words:NaCl Stress; Loofah; Seedling Growth; GA3