摘要:卤虫也称盐水丰年虫。有鳃亚门,甲壳纲,鳃足亚纲,无甲目,盐水丰年虫科,卤虫属卤虫作为一种重要的饵料生物和良好的实验动物材料,。由于绝大多数水生动物均能以卤虫为食, 在长期的进化过程中, 卤虫在自然界只存在于高盐的水域中, 如盐田和咸水湖, 因此卤虫是典型的超盐水生动物。卤虫以卵生为主, 夏天卤虫产夏卵, 夏卵卵壳薄, 产出后即迅速发育成无节幼体。冬天卤虫产冬卵, 即休眠卵, 休眠卵壳厚, 需经一段时间的滞育期, 才能孵化出无节幼体, 无节幼体经8~11 d 左右的时间生长发育成成体, 可开始繁殖下一代。目前卤虫已广泛作为毒物急性毒性评价的一种指示生物。同时也是很好的环境指示生物,一直受到人们的广泛重视。本实验通过对卤虫的24h标准化急性毒性试验,证明了汞离子对卤虫具有急性毒害作用,以期为建立卤虫的生态毒理学指标体系提供一些理论依据。
关键词:急性毒理试验; 卤虫; 汞离子
Abstract:Artemia also as known as brine Artemia. Gill subphylum Crustacea, Branchiopoda subclass, no A head saline Artemia Division, brine shrimp genus Artemia as an important food organisms and experimental animal material, Since the vast majority of aquatic animals are able to Artemia as food, in the long-term evolutionary process, the Artemia in nature exists only in the high-salt waters, such as Yantian and lagoons, Artemia is typical of hypersaline aquatic animals. Brine shrimp, Artemia production in the summer egg of oviparous-based, thin summer egg shell output after rapidly developing into nauplii. Winter Artemia production of winter eggs, resting eggs, dormant egg shell thickness, subject to a period of diapause, to hatching nauplii, nauplii grow by about 8~11 d to develop into adult, you can begin breeding. Artemia has been widely used as a poison acute toxicity evaluation of an indicator organism. Also a very good environmental indicator organism, has been subject to widespread attention. In this study, Artemia, 24h standardized acute toxicity test, proved that the acute toxic effects of mercury ions on Artemia, in order to provide some theoretical basis for ecotoxicological index system for the establishment of Artemia.
Key words: acute toxicity test;Artemia; Hg2+