摘要:目的 本实验主要研究共生菌有效成分药物D8对poly(I:C)诱导的TNFα水平的影响。方法 运用流式细胞术的方法检测小鼠巨噬细胞Raw264.7生成的TNFα水平。分析不同浓度的poly( I:C)对TNFα生成的影响;研究药物D8(2μg/ml)对poly(I:C)诱导的TNFα水平的影响。利用流式细胞仪分析TNFα阳性细胞的浓度的变化。结果 不同浓度的Poly(I:C) (50μg/ml, 100μg/ml和200μg/ml)对TNF-α生成与对照组相比有极显著差异(P<0.001),并且具有浓度梯度依赖性;药物D8能够极显著降低Poly(I:C)诱导的TNF-α水平(P<0.01)。结论 药物D8能够降低poly(I:C)诱导的小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7胞内TNFα水平。
关键词: 生菌有效成分; poly(I:C); TNFα; 药物D8
Abstract:Objective The active ingredient of drug D8 symbiotic bacteria of poly (I:C) induced TNFα levels. Methods Flow cytometry was used to detect macrophages Raw264. 7-generated inflammatory cytokines TNFα. Analysis of different concentrations of poly (I:C) on TNFα inflammatory factors; study drug D8 (2μg/ml) of poly (I:C) induced TNFα levels. TNFα-positive by flow cytometry analysis of cell concentration. Results Different concentrations of Poly (I:C) (50μg/ml, 100μg/ml and 200μg/ml) of TNF-α compared with the control group generated significantly different (P<0.001), and has a concentration gradient-dependent; drugs D9 Could significantly reduce the Poly (I:C) induced TNF-α levels (P<0.01). Conclusion Drug D8 could reduce levels of the poly (I:C)-induced macrophage RAW264. 7 intracellular TNFα.
Key words: Symbiotic bacteria active ingredient; Poly (I:C); TNF-α; Chemical D8