摘要:目的 用生物信息学软件分析人唾液酸结合免疫球蛋白样凝集素-9(Siglec-9)基因编码蛋白的理化性质,获取该基因的相关因素。方法 利用GOR、Protparam、ProtScaler软件预测和分析Siglec-9基因编码蛋白的理化性质和其他特殊局部结构分析。结果 推测Siglec-9基因编码蛋白分子式为:C2204H3450N626O673S18,理论等电点6.67,并含有α螺旋85个,延伸链109处,无规则卷曲269 处。总的亲水性平均系数 (Grand average of hydropathicity, GRAVY) 为-0.244。Siglec-9蛋白的亲水区域大于疏水区域并且是不稳定蛋白
Abstract:Objective To obtain information of the human Siglec-9 protein in the physical and chemical properties, the character of this gene and its product protein were analyzed by a series of bioinformatics software. Methods The physical and chemical properties and the other special structural analysis of the human Siglec-9 were analyzed by the GOR、Protparam、ProtScale software. Results Theoretical pI of this protein was 6.67, and the formula was C2204H3450N626O673S18. The results also showed that the protein had 85 α - helix, 106 Extended strand, 269 Random coil. The Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) was -0.244. It was a hydrophilic and unstable protein.
Keywords: Bioinformatic; Siglec-9
用ProtParam对Siglec-9基因编码蛋白的理化性质预测,推测该蛋白的分子式为C2204H3450N626O673S18,分子质量是50062.5u,等电点6.67;总的亲水性平均系数为-0.244,预测该蛋白为亲水性蛋白。 不稳定参数为42.08,属于不稳定蛋白。利用ProtScale软件的Kyte and Doolittle算法对Siglec-9进行亲水/疏水性分析应用GOR法分析Siglec-9基因编码蛋白的二级结构,结果在该氨基酸序列中,共有α-螺旋 (Alpha helix) 85 处,占总二级结构的18.36%;延伸链( Extended strand) 109 处,占总二级结构的27. 40%;无规则卷曲( Random coil) 269 处,占总二级结构的58.10%。推测该蛋白属于受体。